I am final-year software development student at FPT Polytechnic with good knowledge of Database Design, Object-Oriented Analysis and Design.
Nice and friendly, honest person, I work well in a team but also on my own as I like to set myself goals which I will achieve. I am punctual, well organized and always plan ahead to make sure I manage my time well. I like solving problem, ready to work hard and am always up for new challenges.
Right now, I am open for an internship opportunity of my study field.
GPA: 92%
Team Size: 3
Description: Software made to help improving the efficiency of managing inventory and supplies in warehouse. It makes certain processes, such as receiving, sending, and removing products, faster and more accurate.
Responsiblities: Design and create database. Design UI. Program basic function for main form and CRUD for Importing, Exporting form and Inventory Check form. Find and fix bug. Manage project and help team members. Track and write report for the project.
Accomplishments: Apply learned knowledge in practice. Learned how to use Git and Github when working with team. Improved teamwork, management and communication skills.
Technologies: Java, Java Swing, SQLserver